Skid System
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Dry Powder Chemical Firefighting Systems
- Burner Fire Control manufactured Dry Chemical Systems are NOT limited by a “Selector Valve” for remote hose reels and monitors.
- Burner Fire Control patented expulsion systems enables each hose reel or nozzle to obtain chemical through independent discharge tubes giving instant discharge through pre-pressurization and a constant discharge rate on demand. With multiple discharge tubes that can be individually controlled, full or isolated discharges are possible.
- Dry Chemical Systems are in accordance with NFPA 17 Standard
- Dry Chemical System Vessels are designed and constructed in accordance to the latest ASME Section VIII, Div. 1 unfired pressure vessel code
- Dry Chemical Systems are made of materials suitable for marine environments.
- Vessels are constructed from carbon steel and applied with corrosion resistant pain system. Components are broken down to individual units prior to application of the corrosion resistant paint finish to ensure all surfaces receive the maximum protection possible.
- Systems are assembled with stainless steel, brass, and bronze hardware and fittings and these items are additionally protected applying corrosion resistant coatings to each item.
- The DCP carrier and expellant agent is nitrogen and cylinders are of DOT or ISO standard
- All Dry Chemical Systems are sold charged with the Agent potassium bicarbonate Purple-K
- Powder fluffing tube is installed in the Dry Chemical Tank
- Nitrogen cylinder valve is ‘‘Quick-Opening’’ type and is capable of being opened manually at the valve by means of hand wheel operation, or by ‘‘Quick-Opening’’ lever action (with pressure gauge)
- Nitrogen Cylinder Storage Racks are integrated parts of the skid mounted in Horizontal Positions. Nitrogen cylinders are secured with welded clamps. Nitrogen cylinders are removable from the operating position of the unit where controls for the operation are mounted.
- Guards are installed to protect the powder skids whenever skid areas may be affected by heat radiation from any risk.
- Dry Chemical Systems are specifically designed and selected to discharge the required extinguishing agent and flow time requirements
- Nozzles are specifically designed for use with dry chemical agents and selected to discharge the required extinguishing agent and flow time requirements
- Skid Welding is completed in accordance with AWS D.1.1 Structural Welding Code, Latest Edition.
Foam Fire Fighting System
Fire offers a wide range of Skid-Mounted Fixed Foam Systems designed for use across multiple applications around the world.
From small 300 Liter capacity Heli mixers designed for Heli-deck protection to high capacity 4000+ Liter Systems designed to protect large scale marine & industrial risks, a choice of ‘Packaged’ and ‘Bespoke’ solutions.
With optional framed versions and sun-roof models for warmer climates we can manufacture in customer-specific materials and offer a range of finishes.